Join us for the monthly National Network meetings.

Join us as we explore the significance of crafting impactful messages for our community during this sacred month. We believe that fostering collaboration between centers and speakers is essential for delivering relevant content to our communities.

Join us Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 2pm EST. The meeting will conclude with an engaging discussion where participants can share their thoughts, along with a Q&A session to address any queries.


  • Theme: Muharram Grants and Programming
  • Qualifications of Muharram Grants: Hajjah Amal Hammoud
  • The Impact of Messaging within Islamic Centers: Br. Azfar Rizvi

The Mainstay Projects

  • Husayn Service Day: Hajjah Houda Hamka

Concluding with open discussion and Q&A.

We look forward to your participation.

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